Saturday at the Fair
I spent most of the day at the fair, covering the rest of the things I hadn't gotten around to doing.

I know I've mentioned that this is an agricultural fair. One of the exhibits that has only been there a few years is the birthing center run by the vet school. They bring in various critters about to give birth and you can watch it in all its glory during the fair - at least that's the hope.
I grew up on a farm, and yet somehow had managed to never see anything born. That changed a couple of years ago when I watched them pull a calf. Let me tell you - if I'd ever had any doubts about my decision to not have children - that quelled them. Chains were involved - need I say more?

Today when I went in, there were some sows that had new piglets. This sign cracked me up. Being a farm girl, this seemed evident, and not something that needs a sign - much less a laminated, color sign.

One of the other "must-dos" for me each year is riding the train. OK, so, technically, it's for children, but they don't stop adults from riding. They have two trains and the tracks snake through the fairgrounds. It takes about eight minutes and costs $2.
It was about 9:30 by the time I left tonight. I'm very dusty and need a shower, but I think I'll just go on to bed and use that as a good reason I need to change my sheets tomorrow.