I did an art booth today at the Bethel College Fall Fetival. My friend, Jocelyn, who is experienced at these things, told me when I started doing them that it was great to talk to people who enjoyed her work. I've found that to be true.
It's also interesting to visit with folks who happen by. Today I met a young lady who had been in Egypt recently. We had much to talk about, needless to say.
I also connected with Kathy K. - always good to bump into her anywhere. We had time for a nice visit today.
There were a few people who read my column in Kansas Country Living and came over to introduce themselves. I always enjoy meeting readers.
The social interaction at these things is always fun. Today I had a bonus that Greg was with me most of the day - from helping me set up to unloading things back at my house. I'm so incredibly thankful for his help. I would probably still be trying to get everything home if he hadn't helped me so much. Thank you, Greg!