Thursday, June 18, 2009

Cosmosphere has Russian Space Suits and the Trophy Trout

This morning was Coffee at the Cosmosphere, which they do every third Thursday. The CEO, Chris Orwoll, shows and talks about some of the artifacts in the collection that aren't on display at the moment.

Today's topic was Russian Space Suits. He had a variety of suits, from various time periods, and talked about the particular designs of each one.


He had a little something extra this morning - three recently donated items that were gifts people involved with the space program exchanged. These were largely gag gifts, but memorable ones.

One was the "Trophy Trout," given to Guenter Wendt by astronaut Mike Collins on July 16, 1969. The trout was "fresh" when nailed on the board and presented to Wendt. He had it in his freezer for 14 years before he found someone who could freeze dry and preserve it.

These will eventually be on display at the Cosmosphere. Today was a sneak preview. Hear the whole story:


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Going, going, going

I've been running from one thing to another all day today. It was 4:30 this afternoon before I got to have lunch. I had hoped to get to bed early but at 1:15 it's probably too late for that considering I'll be getting up about 6:30. Oh well, I'll try for tomorrow.

If I owe you email or phone calls or FB notes or anything else for a volunteer job or board - or if you're a friend who has been very patient already - please be patient with me a little longer as I go through the next few weeks of finishing up things for the MHA and starting at the Cosmosphere. I'm also still doing all my side jobs, so my brain is pretty full.

I promise, if you've asked me about something, you're on the list. It will just be awhile before I can get through the list.

Fortunately, I don't need as much sleep as other people, but I do need some. And I'm gonna go do that now.

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All text and photos on this website are copyright Patsy Terrell, unless otherwise noted. All rights reserved. None are to be used without permission. Thank you.