I have suspected for some time, and today have confirmed, that I own too many cookbooks. Some of them must go to live somewhere else. Many of them. Hundreds of them.
I have been collecting cookbooks for many years. I bought them when I travelled and I have the ones I've reviewed over the past dozen plus years. Some of them I love and some of them I have barely looked at since they've been in my possession. None of them are really used for recipes anymore. When I want a recipe I go online.
So, it is time for many of these cookbooks to find a new home. I think I'd like to just give about 75% of the collection to a library that could use them, with the remaining ones going there after I die. The trick now is to see if there's a library that would be interested in them.
I wasn't looking for another project right now, but I guess I need to devote some energy to this. I want to move them on to their new home soon.