This is the lovely Andrea. She invited me over for lunch today. Lunch she was cooking. Real cooking. From scratch cooking. And it was delicious, as you might expect.
On the menu was tomato mushroom soup with grilled cheese, and apples with caramel sauce. She's stirring the caramel sauce - yes, real caramel sauce.
Needless to say, lunch was delicious!

We had much to talk about today. We were both in Pittsburg, Kansas, Thursday night to see Frank Warren of PostSecret. We've both been fans for a long time so it was great to see his live presentation. Of course, other topics were on the agenda, too, but that's one that just keeps coming up.
Andrea is someone who really thinks, so conversation with her is always interesting. It would have been a delightful lunch if we'd just gone to a restaurant, but I felt very honored that she cooked for me.

Andrea lives in this ultra cool loft apartment, complete with kitty. I love kitties so getting to pet Timi was just an added bonus.

Someone providing food, the basic necessity of life, that they have prepared themselves, is an incredibly generous act. It's something we undervalue, that we take for granted, when it's really quite extraordinary. I feel so blessed to have been the recipient of such generousity today. Thank you, Andrea.