I spent the weekend in Emporia at the Tallgrass Writing Workshop. This is the third year I've attended and it has been fabulous each time.
Driving back tonight my brain was churning around a whole bunch of thoughts - many of which are related to writing. There are so many writing projects I'm interested in and novel writing is just one of them.
I haven't worked on my novel in awhile. I would have said it was done, but after rereading it I've decided I need to add more to it. And some of those things require some planning and plotting. I need some uninterrupted time to get that done. I don't think that's going to happen anytime soon.
So, in the meantime, maybe I need to be working on other writing projects. I've got some non-fiction topics I've wanted to write for awhile. Maybe it's time to do that.
I was mulling all of this over on the drive home. I need to sit down with pen and paper and do some planning and decide which project makes the most sense to work on next. So much to think about.
On the spur of the moment I decided to detour through the Maxwell Game Preserve. I haven't been there in awhile and I'm glad I stopped in. As usual I had to climb the observation tower.
I created a self-portrait while I was there.

Okay... I thought that was pretty funny.
I also saw the beautiful sunset above.
I need to spend more time in nature. I'd like to take a weekend and go out to the National Grasslands. It's one of those things I'm always going to do that I never seem to get done. Of course, I know the remedy for that is to do it.
This photo was snapped on top of the tower today. I like the windblown look.

I wish I had another weekend to work on things. I now need to do all the things I should have done this weekend that I didn't get done because I was at the workshop. So many cool things to do in life.