We had our first real snowfall last night and this morning. I'm fortunate to live next door to Bob and Ruth, whose front yard offers plenty of photo opportunities.

This feathery plant in my own front yard was holding onto the snow.

Today is the first day I've really missed having a window in my office. I couldn't look out and see the snow today and that was sad, because I do love snow. It was nasty enough I didn't go out for lunch so it was a long day. When I left about 5:30 I had another couple of inches of snow on my car.
But, of all the scenes I saw this morning, one of the most beautiful was this...

Sharon and Greg arrived just as I was about to leave for work to shovel my sidewalk and driveway. Is that not the nicest thing?
Sharon came over at 5 and did it again. I'm not sure what I did to deserve such kindness, but I'm very grateful.