We bought our tickets for the Topeka event, but I'm thinking Clinton may talk more in Manhattan and I really wanted to do both. The last time he was in Kansas - in Lawrence - I did not get to go. I couldn't go stand in line the day they were handing out tickets that time and I didn't get to benefit from any friends' extra tickets. So, I missed out. I was really disappointed then, and I didn't want to be disappointed this time.
I have been calling everyone I thought might have any connection to K-state for weeks, since this was announced, trying to get details on how to get tickets. K-state didn't seem to want to share that information. Finally, late Thursday afternoon Greg got word from someone he knows who is a student that after the student distribution there were still tickets left for the public - then it was a matter of how to lay our hands on them.
It wasn't as smooth as I would have liked it to be, but we got them.