Saturday night Greg and I went to see
Billy Dean perform at The W in downtown Hutchinson. I went into the concert liking him, and left a major fan.
The W is a small venue that brings in a variety of performers, including major artists like Billy Dean. Something I'm starting to catch on to is that artists who perform in these environments are really, really talented. They don't need a whole crew of people to make them sound good.
Billy Dean walked onto the stage and kept us spell-bound for the next couple of hours. Frankly, I don't know how long he performed, but it was a while. However, I could have listened to him for a few more hours.
It's amazing to think one man, with one guitar and one microphone, could entertain us so well for so long. And I got the feeling if it had gone on all weekend I would have still wanted more.
He mentioned at one point that musicians work hard on lyrics and playing and singing and then it gets lost in a big venue so he liked being in this sort of place. I realized there are lots of artists who could not manage a small venue because they don't have the talent to hold the attention of a crowd without all the trappings that come with a big stage show.
Afterwards he signed autographs, posed for photos and was just generally incredibly charming. It was an really fun night.