I have never owned an Apple product, but I feel the loss of Steve Jobs. He created Apple in a garage and grew into a multi billion dollar business. The reason he was able to do that is that he was a true visionary.
Vision is something you cannot teach. People come into the world with it or they don't.
I've had the honor of working closely with someone who's vision was daily building something in their sphere of influence. I've had the disappointment of working with someone in a place built on vision, who had none of their own. And I learned from both of them...
Vision is a gift of the universe. It is not a skill learned in a class.
Steve Jobs was a true man of vision. The world is profoundly changed because he was in it.
We should all hope to change the world positively because we passed through it. He did it on a grand scale. Maybe we can all do it in our own small ways.
To be present on the Earth at the same time as someone who impacts it so tremendously is amazing. Steve Jobs was a true visionary.
Vision. A gift.
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