Friday, November 25, 2005

Black Friday

Well, I went out this morning early to shop in Joplin. It's the first time I've ever done it and it may be the last. I went with Greg to get a computer. I told him I obviously REALLY loved him to get up early and stand in the cold outside.

Because I was up, I went to Office Max and picked up some geneology software they had on sale, and to Michaels to get a great deal on this wire mesh carrier thing that holds those little bottles of paint. I have been wanting one for awhile but just wouldn't spend $25 on a wire rack. I got it for about $11 today and that seemed more reasonable.

From my one experience, I have to say that Office Max was the most organized. They had lots of help and people were assisting you in finding what you wanted. Michaels had the best checkout system going - but they also had fewer people so it may have been easier to manage.

Office Depot flat out lied to us, which I did not appreciate. They made announcements over the loud speaker that there was no rush on two computers they offered that you ordered, that you could buy them anytime today or Saturday. So, I got the form to get one for the non-profit I run but decided to wait until I was in Wichita to get it. I went in to buy it and they told me there were no more available. To top it off, the clerk was a bit rude. No doubt he was weary from a day of people being disappointed about not getting what they wanted. Had I not been specifically told otherwise, I would have accepted it gracefully, but being told something that is not true does not sit well with me. At all. Of course, there's not a thing I can do about it so no point in getting upset over it. But, I do wish they would resist telling lies.

I did not go anywhere else, but understand that Best Buy and Wal-mart were nuts. I was tucked back into bed by 9, for a little extra sleep before driving home.

I arrived home to discover my computer was nuts. I'm still not sure what its problem is, but I had to direct wire it to the cable instead of using the wireless, and make three calls to tech support. It's working at the moment, but - of course - being hard wired is not why people invest in wireless, a fact that is largely lost on tech people.

I'm rearranging things in the house. By the end of the weekend, I want my main tree underway, and it's quite a massive undertaking. Of course, having to move furniture to hardwire the computer didn't speed the process along.

I've got to get my studio somewhat back to normal because I have Christmas presents in a closet off that room that I can't get to at the moment. So, I'll have to deal with that shortly.