Sunday, January 17, 2010

Harley Elliott and Harley Marshall - Born to be Mild

At the Hutchinson Arts Center Saturday night, poet Harley Elliott and actor/writer Harley Marshall entertained during a program called, "Born To Be Mild."

I don't write any poetry, but I appreciate those who can use the language so well that they can. Last night Harley Elliott used the words "retinue" and "kerfluffle" within the span of a very short time. I challenge you to do that and it make sense.


And he did it all while wearing tennis shoes.

I thought the only way to capture any essence of the evening was to share a few of the phrases. Obviously, these are out of context, but things I found compelling or interesting.

"Doesn't ask you to save the world but believes you will." Harley Elliott

"Grandmothers honored food with their tears." Harley Elliott

"Even hogs have a creation story." Harley Elliott

Harley Elliott mentioned that he didn't know how to turn on a computer and then read a poem I loved that included the following phrase:
"It is quiet back here behind the times." Harley Elliott

Harley Marshall's piece was more of a story, and I didn't get as many quotes written down because I was taking more photos. Always a choice you have to make!

"Nothing but piece of moon bouncing off the water." Harley Marshall

"What is the plot line of your life?" Harley Marshall

It was a really nice evening. I am glad to live in a community that values the arts enough to provide things like this - for free. There was a really good turn out, which was nice.

Not a Celebrity

No, it's not some celebrity avoiding the camera, it's just me saying, "you don't need to take my picture." Of course, because I've known Greg for more than two decades, I knew this lament would in no way stop him from taking my picture, which is why you're seeing this close up of my palm. His girlfriend, Mia, seems to be the only one who can actually stop him from taking photos when she doesn't want her picture taken. I do not possess this power.

However, then we thought this was kind of funny, so I thought I'd share.

Of course, it was only fair I suppose since I'd been taking Greg's picture.

We went to Roy's for the first time in awhile today. I needed some Roy's Barbecue, and it was delicious.