A few weeks ago we went to see Glen Campbell in concert at the Wichita Orpheum. As you may know, he has Alzheimer's Disease, and is making his farewell concert tour. I was a bit hesitant to go because I thought it might be sad, but it wasn't.

He is traveling with three of his children, his long time musical director, and two other performers. His daughter and two sons, along with two other performers, come out first and sing a few songs as the band, "Instant People." Campbell comes out then with the musical director and does all the songs you expect.

He still plays and sings great. He uses teleprompters to help him remember the words, and paces around the stage quite a bit. I'm not sure if that's part of the agitation sometimes seen with Alzheimer's or if that's just his way. I've never seen him in concert before, but I remember watching his TV show when I was a kid.

During the performance, everyone keeps an eye on him to help him in any way he needs it. His daughter, especially, is vigilant.

While I had thought it might be sad, it wasn't. In fact, as Greg and I said afterwards, "It looked a lot like love." And indeed it did.

Love manifested before your eyes.

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