Saturday, December 03, 2005

Planting in the Cold

I've been outside planting spring bulbs. I did some the other day and the problem with that is that I couldn't necessarily remember exactly where I planted them and so I'm clueless what is where now. I'm just not a person who can make charts to scale and draw things out. It will be a surprise in the spring.

I'm planting daffodils and tulips mostly, but also some hyacinths and crocus.

It's cold here - 29 at the moment - but this is going to be one of the warmer days we have for the next week so I thought I'd better try to get some of it done. I still have about 40 daffodils and about 20 tulips and I think I'm out of room in the front flower bed. Well, as best I can tell, anyway.

So, I'm not sure what I'm going to do with the rest of them. Maybe something will occur to me. The front is the only place that gets enough sun for them, I think. I planted some in the back a few years ago and they bloomed once or twice - kind of late - but never really took off. So, I'm not sure. Maybe I can stash the bulbs until next year so when I see where the holes are I can fill them in.

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