Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Handwritten letters and recipes

Most days my mailbox is stuffed with a magazine, a bill or two, and some maybe some advertisements. Then, on occasion, there's the most precious of things - a handwritten envelope.

Recently in my Kansas Country Living column I wrote about being over-run with zucchini and asked readers to send me their favorite recipes. I work a little ahead in the column and had forgotten about that request until the envelopes started arriving. What fun!

They come in these innocuous looking envelopes, hand written, often with forever stamps. Inside are precious bits of a person's life they're willing to share with me. That's always how I think about it when someone shares a beloved recipe with me - they're inviting me to be in their world just a little bit. I love that feeling.

I have the same sensation when I'm sharing recipes here - that I'm offering a little bit of myself through that. Food is so intertwined with memories, families and our identities if we're known as a cook. Very interesting to think about.

We'll see how many zucchini recipes arrive. Maybe I'll have to do a zucchini cookbook.

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