Wednesday, January 07, 2009

No More Whining and Wallowing

I decided today there would be no more whining from me. It's January. Christmas is over for this season. There are tasks I don't like that I am responsible for. It's not my favorite time of year. Yadda yadda yadda. Enough.

I have wallowed in this long enough. So, today I stopped. Done. Moving on.

One of my stops today was the post office where I picked up a stack of cards that arrived after I left for Kentucky. This is always a treat when I come back - Christmas and birthday cards I haven't yet seen. Of course, there are usually some of mine in there that have been returned for one reason or another, too.

I did manage to accomplish quite a few work things today and some personal things tonight. Naturally, there's more to do, however.

One thing I did tonight was fix myself a decent dinner.

It was a spinach salad with toasted pine nuts, sauted mushrooms and Peruvian onions, and chopped fresh apple with a balsamic dressing. It was pretty yummy, although I think it could be improved on with a little twist of lemon in the dressing.

I need to eat more food that doesn't come with labels. I eat a lot of fruits and vegetables already, but I need to eat more of those kinds of things and fewer things that have a list of ingredients I can't pronounce.

Well, I need to get some rest. I have some appointments tomorrow that are going to take some energy. Best to start the day rested.
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