Thursday, June 24, 2010

Speaking about Food Traditions and Cookbooks at the Wichita Sedgwick County Historical Museum

Wednesday morning I had the pleasure of speaking at the Senior Wednesday gathering at the Wichita Sedgwick County Historical Museum. There were about 75 people there and it was great to get to visit with many of them.

I spoke about food traditions and cookbooks. Each time I give this speech, it's a bit different, but the gist of it is that we take food for granted and we should be more respectful. Food is essential to live, and to be able to prepare it for someone you love is a gift. Think about how amazing it is that you can take flour, yeast and water and make bread - the staff of life. The kitchen is sacred ground. Food deserves better than paper plates and plastic forks.

I touched on five or six themes, including rituals and traditions, how availability and ethnicity affect what we eat, and why growing and preparing food has far-reaching impact in our lives.

It was great to speak with this group. Jami, who you've met on the blog before, was instrument in setting it up. I was delighted to meet Abby who was in charge of the event and Nancy, who was helping with all the details. A very fun way to start the day.

They gave me a beautiful basket as a thank you. I'm sure Jami was involved in the shopping. It featured some of my favorite things, including Hob Nobs, whish I've written about here before.

Folks from the Art Museum brought one of their cookbooks for me to review in Kansas Country Living. They wrapped it up such that it's so pretty I'm loathe to open it. But, the enticement of a new cookbooks will win out, I'm sure! But I'm going to enjoy it for another day or two. Isn't it beautiful?

I really love public speaking. I have four or five different topics I speak about. Each time I speak it's really wonderful to connect with folks in that way.

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