I'm definitely in a transition period in my life, and things have been coming into my life that talk about transition at this time. I've run across notes from conferences and other bits that focus on this topic. Here are some thoughts I've seen - some really valuable I think.
Transition is part of any healthy organization.
Recognize that for some people collaboration will be an innovative process
Innovation is planned change.
Change for the sake of change is not good, nor should it always be for something new.
Change is part of doing something better. Change is part of making something significantly better.
Change is not an invention. Change is an innovation.
Learning is an outgrowth of change. With learning comes development. With development comes more change.
Will we manage change, or allow change to manage us?
If we decide to react, what form will that take?
Are we enactors or reactors?
What if we fail? Failure has more potential to bring about change.
We do not deal well with failure in the US. Some cultures handle it better.
The only way to create change through collaboration is to eliminate indifference. Everyone must be able to exercise their power without compromising others.
"The only way to create change through collaboration is to eliminate indifference."
Great Post! Transition and Change are happening all around us at all times...if we're not growing, we're dying! Thanks!
Thanks... Almost everyone I know is in some sort of transition at the moment. 'Tis the season, it seems!
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