Saturday, November 17, 2007

Christmas Parade

Clarence the dinosaur made his annual appearance in the Hutchinson Christmas parade this morning. All went well. We had two HCC students who volunteered to walk, as did Greg, and Jesse and his nephew, Chris. It's kind of fun to do - no one is sorry to see you coming with free candy canes.

We handed out about 5000 candy canes. We have nothing but crumbs left. We could have done more if we'd had more walkers and more candy.

This year Joey was about half way through the parade route and I gave him some bags to resupply the walkers with. The parade moves so fast the walkers can't keep up to get more candy. I also ran into a couple of Altrusans - Eileen and Joan - and gave them each a bag of candy to hand out. They graciously did, so that was a bonus.

It was a fun morning.

Otherwise, I've taken it easy today and rested a little bit. I've been working on the tree some, and doing a few things around the house, but have had a slower day than normal. Another dozen or so of those and I might feel normal again.

I took some more pix of the parade, but I'm going to get back to tree decorating at the moment. Maybe I'll post more in the next day or two.

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