This is me and my buddy, Ace Jackalope, with a tambourine Kenny Rogers threw me from the stage tonight at the Kansas State Fair. Greg captured the essence of "things that are Kenny Rogers" in this shot, I think.
As you might gather, we went to see Kenny Rogers tonight at the Kansas State Fair. He puts on a fantastic show. He's 73 and still sounds wonderful. He's also looking good. I like the slightly more rugged Kenny, with a few wrinkles here and there.
He's funny and charming. On the last song he threw out a few tambourines - maybe half a dozen. I didn't even realize until after the concert was over that it was autographed. Then, I wondered if the autograph was just printed on so we went up and compared with someone else's tambourine and the signatures were different. So, very cool.
We left bigger fans than when we arrived. As far as I'm concerned, that's the mark of a true performer. Very cool night! Here are some of my pix from the evening.
"Kenny Rogers" has become an adjective now. The world is divided into "things that ARE Kenny Rogers" and "things that are NOT Kenny Rogers." It's the fun way of saying something is cool or not. I don't know how long this will last, but we're having fun with it so far.

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Nice to see someone my own age still in the prime.
The older I get the younger 73 looks!
Isn't that how it always works!?!? Kenny's voice is still great - wonderful concert.
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