Friday, December 02, 2005


Today I have entered the world of Podcasting. OK, so, it's a timid entry since at 6:30 this morning I had no clue how to begin. Now, at 11:30 p.m. I have a podcast online.

Good thing I have a broadcasting degree or it might have taken more days.

We'll see how I enjoy doing this. It certainly plays to my skills given my background in radio.

I just adlibbed this one, but may start to actually write them out. Of course, I want it to sound conversational, so maybe not.

Maybe I'm putting too much thought into it since I'm not even sure I want to continue to do it.

I am passionate about the topic of people making connection with one another. I've written about it here at length, particularly in April when I saw Dr. Robert Putnam speech. The new website, is going to be devoted to how to help people make connection.

I am certain this is critical to our well-being and that it's a skill we've lost. My hope is to use the podcasting format, in addition to the written word, to encourage people along these lines.

Check it out at I'm open to comments, thoughts, suggestions.