I went to pick up my mail today that I'd had held while I was in Kentucky. It wasn't a very big stack for over a week, but it had something exciting in it. Isn't that always the best part of mail?
Deep in this stack was my copy of the new Victoria Magazine.As soon as I found it I began planning a long bubble bath, which is one of my favorite places to read. I keep a magazine rack by the tub and read a great deal while soaking.
A new Victoria also required a cup of tea - blackberry-sage flavored.
I subscribed to Victoria from its inception until its demise. I grieved for it and have missed it ever since it went away. When I learned it was being resurrected by a different publisher, I was excited, but also holding my breath. I couldn't imagine they could really recapture the magic of the original Victoria. I feared it would be a movie sequel that doesn't quite do justice to the name.
Well, my review is positive, but with reservations.
This is NOT the old Victoria. It doesn't have the amazing, soft focus photos that draw you in. It does not have the layout and design that transports you to another world. It does not even have the high quality paper the original Victoria was printed on.
BUT, it is worthwhile in its own right. It's a new Victoria, and it has potential. I loved the piece with Alexandra Stoddard. It is a magazine I will look forward to each month.
Maybe you can't ever really recapture something that once was. It doesn't work with lost loves and it doesn't work with old magazines either. But, you can fall in love again - with men and with magazines. I think maybe I might just fall in love with this new Victoria eventually. They have my attention. And the fact that the first issue has a Christmas tree on it just adds luster to its image as far as I'm concerned.
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Victoria Magazine
I Can Never Be An Old Lady
Yesterday as I was walking into the Sports Arena for the lecture by Bob Woodward it was drizzling. I was watching all the little old ladies get dropped off at the front door or making their way through the parking lot under their umbrellas. All of them were messing with their hair, fearful the rain would do whatever it is that rain does to your hair when you have a style. Frankly, I can never tell the difference in how people's hair looks unless it's dripping, but I seem to be the only woman on the planet who can't discern this.
Anyway, at that moment I thought... "Wow, I can't ever be a little old lady. That just isn't going to work for me."
After the lecture Greg told me he had a photo of Woodward that had me in it. For some reason, it just struck me as hilarious that I look like Cousin It compared to everyone around me. Naturally, I'm posting it so you can chuckle as well.
Everytime I see a photo showing the back of my head I'm reminded of this funky cowlick thing I have that makes it look like the part in my hair goes halfway down my head. I'm just going to blame it on the rain.
I think the next time I need a quick Halloween costume I'm just going to add some goggley eyes to the back of my head.