Sunday, June 01, 2008

Unheard Of

I am heading upstairs to bed - at 9:15 p.m. I know, it's something unheard of for me. But I don't feel good. I can't say I feel bad, but I don't feel good. I guess it's more that I just don't feel normal. I haven't for awhile now, but it is worse today than usual. I feel worn out and strung out, even though I've done very little today because I just haven't felt like it. I'm not sure what the deal is but I think it's stress manifesting itself physically. I'm just not sure how much more of it I can take.
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Sex and the City (no spoilers)

I capped off a very full Saturday by going to see Sex and the City. I really enjoyed it. I'm going to refrain from saying anything much about it since it's the first weekend it has been out and I'm sure some folks haven't had a chance to see it yet.

I'm not a big movie person and I have only seen the show on TV. I never saw the racier HBO version. But, I could always relate to the girls, even though I've never lived in New York.

Andrea, Kate, Amy, Greg and I went, so we had a little group.

If you're a fan of the show, the movie won't disappoint, which is a rarity when dealing with movies from TV shows. It was good. Very good.
Check for the blog, art, and more.