Sunday, August 06, 2006

Saturdays Aren't Always Productive

I did not have a very productive day, but it was a very pleasant one.

First of all I was in no hurry to get up this morning, which is very unlike me, but I was tired. When I finally did rouse myself I piddled around the house doing a few things and working on some podcasting bits. Terry called and I drove him down to pick up his car.

I decided while I was out to pop by Diana's to chat with her. She is moving the Dancing Grouse to a new location - 125 N. Main - this month. I know it will be good for her. She'll be right next door to Dick Westphal Jewelers and right across the street from my office.

Karen was in there and we all chatted for a bit. I finally convinced myself to come home and get a few things done. I did go pick tomatoes. I'm going to need to find someone to give some to if they continue to produce at this rate. Maybe tomorrow I'll make some more soup.

Susan had called this morning about dinner so we went out tonight. It was good to see her. She has sold her home here so she was in town this weekend packing things. After dinner we went over to her house and visited a bit.

I did accomplish some podcasting chores tonight, as well as did some interesting reading. I'm not feeling overly industrious. I'm just a teensy bit under the weather, a little tired, but it will pass. In the meantime I don't seem to be accomplishing a whole lot.

Tomorrow I have to get some things moved around in the house. Austin is coming after work on Monday to put some shelves together for me and I need to make some room for him to work in. Hopefully I feel a little perkier tomorrow.

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