Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Myth of Immortality

I've been rereading "Care of the Soul" by Thomas Moore. To be more accurate, I've been rereading the parts I had highlighted that I thought I'd want to go back to. The book is marked with post-it flags and there's pink on nearly every page.

Lately I've been mulling over the following passage:

"The soul, for example, needs an articulated world view, a carefully worked out scheme of values, and a sense of relatedness to the whole. It needs a myth of immortality and an attitude toward death."

It's an interesting mental exercise to see if you have all those covered. I know I have a carefully worked out scheme of values (Patsy's Rules for Living) and an attitude toward death. The others I'm still thinking about.

These questions of the soul are major ones, are they not?

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