Monday, June 08, 2009

I Have a New Job

I have a new job.

I will be the Public Relations and Events Coordinator at the Kansas Cosmosphere and Space Center.

This is a world-class, Smithsonian-affiliated museum and I'm excited about the new job. When you work in any new field you learn new things at an amazing rate and I love that. It's thrilling to drop into a new world and learn to navigate it.

I will be finishing things up for the MHA this month. This job has offered tremendous opportunities to be involved in people's lives in meaningful ways. How can you be anything but humbled when you have the chance to help save lives? And humbled I am. I'm also grateful to the people who've made it possible for the MHA to do that work. I want to say a public thank you to the board, volunteers and other organizations I've had the pleasure of working with the past seven years.

The national office at MHA America is one of the best run organizations I've ever seen. Everyone is dedicated to the work and inspired to do their best. I've been so fortunate to be involved in the mental health movement, but it's time for me to do something new and for the MHA locally to be run by someone who wants to do new and exciting things here.

So, that's my big news. I applied for the Cosmosphere job back in April, but it took awhile to go through the process. I'm excited about the job, the people and the new things I'll be learning. I've always wanted to work in a museum and I've always wanted to work in tourism, so I think this will be an extraordinarily good fit. I think we can do some cool things together.

Needless to say, I'll keep you posted.

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All text and photos on this website are copyright Patsy Terrell, unless otherwise noted. All rights reserved. None are to be used without permission. Thank you.


Superdumb Supervillain said...

Congratulations! The Cosmosphere certainly seemed like it would be a fabulous place to work.

Patsy Terrell said...

Thanks, Naomi. I think it will be a cool experience.

Barbara said...

Congratulations!!! This is really big news! I think there will endless wonderful opportunities for you there...right "up your alley" too!!

Patsy Terrell said...

Thanks. It's a good fit!

sigerson said...

Congratulations! You will do fine!

Linda said...

Welcome to Hutch, Patsy. We love the Cosmosphere. A former business partner of Linda's once took Highway 50 from California to St. Louis and was blown away that Kansas would have such a place. And it is so. But this guy is also a kind of a doorknob so...
Anyway, always happy to put out the welcome mat.
--Mary and Linda @ Budget Blinds Hutchinson

Patsy Terrell said...

Thanks, Sigerson...

Thanks, Mary and Linda...
I have lived in Hutch for a long time now, but this is a new venture for me. It's already a fun job.