I just returned from a couple of weeks in Kentucky with my family. I went to offer some help for loved ones who were recuperating from medical procedures. I'm not sure I accomplished a whole lot along those lines - I'm not much of a nurse - but I did provide some "support services" while others did those things. I cooked quite a bit and cleaned just a little bit. It was great to be with my family, and hopefully I was at least not a hindrance!
Only on this trip did I realize I have never been responsible for making three meals a day before. I'm not sure I'm up to the task. That whole fantasy I've had of being a domestic goddess is feeling a little less realistic. However, I'd like to say in my defense, that I'm sure I would get much better at it over time. I'd get more organized, which seems to be the key.
I was mighty proud of myself that I managed to get an entire Thanksgiving dinner's worth of groceries purchased in only ONE grocery store trip. I expected I would have to go out for something else, but my copious notes did me well. I had a whole cart full of items - not sure I've ever gathered up that many groceries at one time before.
It was kind of fun to make a big Thanksgiving dinner. I cooked for about a day and a half to get it all done. But, it all turned out well. At least I think so. Perhaps those who were present for dinner would have other things to say about it.
While I was making my lists for the various grocery store aisles, I realized organization is a real key to so many things. I think I'm horribly unorganized, but other people constantly tell me I'm very, very organized. I guess organized is in the eye of the beholder.
But as I was thinking about this later, it occurred to me that I do have some natural organizational skills and, like most things we do without much effort, I take them for granted. It is something I need to appreciate more about myself.
Those organizational skills are the things that allow me to divide a grocery list out by the categories and recipes. And they're the same skills that make it possible for me to take a notepad out and plan a project from start to finish. Not that you don't make some adjustments as you go, but you have to develop a framework so you have a place to start and a direction to head.
Moments of self-realization can come from the oddest things. Who would have thought I would have learned I really am organized by making pumpkin pie? (And, yes, the crust was homemade!)
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Your crust, my love, was home made. I learned many years ago, that I can get by with the frozen crust very nicely. My own crust either floats off the plate or retreads your tires -- and I can never be sure which, except if there's company coming it will be the latter. Mrs. Smith's does a better job for me and is always presentable.
Hope things are going well for the recuperating in your family.
I'm sure your presence was a help and a really bright spot.
Thanks, Judith... the trick to pie crust is not to overmix. I can make them pretty or good - just not simultaneously. :)
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